On Sale
Organic Watermelon Seeds
Considered as one of the superfoods, Watermelon Seeds are a powerhouse of nutrients like Folate, Iron, and Potassium. Generally, watermelon seeds are preferred roasted; the seeds are washed, dried, and baked on a sheet in a microwave or on the gas stove before eating.
- Improves metabolism and boosts immunity
- Rich in Amino acids, Protein, and Vitamin B
- High content of Copper and Manganese prevents bone disease like Osteoporosis
- Rich source of healthy fatty acids like Linoleum
- Reduces elevated blood sugar level and controls diabetes
- Can be consumed as midday or a midnight snack in 10-15 grams quantity, every day
- You can also add 2 spoons of watermelon seeds to your smoothie bowl for breakfast
Ayurvedic Energetics
- Rasa (taste): Sweet
- Virya (action): Cool
- Vipaka (post-digestive effect): Sweet
- Doshas (constitutions): Reduces Vata and Pitta