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Pine needle tea is both a refreshing beverage and a drink with many medicinal benefits. It is a great immunity booster and contains up to 4 times more Vitamin C than freshly squeezed orange juice. It has a great taste and fragrance, which makes it a favourite among many.
- Extremely good source of Vitamin C and A
- Helps fight illnesses and infections, especially cold or flu
- Reduces chest congestion and is good for sore throats
- Boosts eyesight, hair quality, and skin regeneration
- Battles diseases like depression, obesity, allergies, and high blood pressure
- Add to boiling water, strain and consume as tea
- Add sweetener like honey if required
Ayurvedic Energetics
- Rasa (taste): Bitter, Astringent
- Virya (action): Heating
- Vipaka (post-digestive effect): Pungent
- Doshas (constitutions): Balances vitiated Kapha & Vata doshas